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The Most Important Tip for Earth Day 2024—C.E.A.S.E!

by Lou-Ann Jordan Apr 22, 2024

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There are numerous international observances throughout the year. Arguably, there’s a day reserved to honour something or another all year round. For example, did you know there’s a Cheese Lovers Day and a National Pancake Day on 20 January and 5 March, respectively? These, of course, are light-hearted and funny, but some are more consequential. Among these are International Women’s Day, World Diabetes Day, and the upcoming Earth Day.  

On April 22, the world will observe Earth Day. Although now a global environmental movement, Senator Gaylord Nelson initiated it in the United States in 1970. Throughout the years, the aim has not changed. Earth Day is meant to raise awareness of our climate crisis and the need to reduce our carbon footprint.

No longer can we view Earth Day as a “first-world” issue. Within the last decade, the seriousness of climate change has hit home for many of us in the Caribbean. It’s a matter for all to be concerned about. Last year’s temperature rise proved that. July 2023 was unbearable, making history as the hottest month in history. It seemed to be a sure sign that something untoward is happening.

Fortunately, a growing number of people participate in activities centred around protecting the planet during this time. Yet, we must keep in mind that one day’s activities is not enough, though Earth Day is a useful reminder. Instead, we should change our lifestyles.

We hope you’re not a bystander on this issue but have joined this massive global effort. However, in case you haven’t quite figured out what practical actions you can undertake, we’re here to help. We have a few ideas which we’ve organised into a nifty acronym—C.E.A.S.E. It’s the most important tip you’ll come across this Earth Day!

Five Useful Earth Day Tips You Can Practice

Conserve. You may be wondering what to conserve. Water is a good place to start. Simply avoid leaving the water running. Also, fixing any dripping faucets or pipes is a good idea. Another area to focus on is reducing your energy usage. You can conserve electricity by opting for solar-powered heaters, using energy-saving lightbulbs, and switching off unnecessary lights and appliances not in use. Although we know some days are scorching, dialing back on your use of A/C is still a good idea.

Employ the 3Rs. As we’ve already touched on, the first of the 3Rs initiatives is reducing and recycling. Let’s discuss how you can ‘reuse’. Remember, the aim is to minimise the volume of waste you typically generate. Therefore, set about finding ways to reuse items. For example, an empty hairspray bottle can become a glass or countertop spray bottle with diluted liquid. In some Caribbean islands, local waste authorities do not facilitate recycling household waste currently. If that’s your experience, it’s best to focus on reducing and reusing. However, if and when possible, set about employing all three principles.

Adopt the habit of emptying your closet. In recent times, thrifting has become a ‘thing’. People no longer have qualms about purchasing second-hand clothing. It’s actually all the rage. Rather than holding on to a wardrobe full of clothing you no longer use, why not dispose of them? You can donate or sell them, contributing the proceeds to a worthy cause.  Also, before heading off to shop, in-person or online, you may want to consider thrift shops or upcycled clothing.   

Support clean-up initiatives. Throughout the year, there are usually several coastal clean-ups taking place with the goal of protecting marine life. Why not volunteer your time? You can also initiate a “bag it and tag it” clean-up campaign. Organise your crew and set off around your neighbourhood, another area or at a beach, collecting and properly disposing of garbage.

Eat Local. You may wonder what eating local has to do with saving the planet. Well, while the importation of food has its place, buying local will always be the better option for the environment. It requires less transportation and involves accumulating less waste in getting it from the farm to your table. Choose local fruits and vegetables, especially as the production of these is also known for emitting less greenhouse gases.

Sources: BYJU’S, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, and Quicken.