The Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE), formerly the Securities Exchange of Barbados, was re-incorporated on August 2nd, 2001 with the passage of the Securities Act 2001-13. As a result of the Act, the Barbados Securities Commission was established which has overall regulatory responsibility for the entire Barbadian Capital markets including all Self Regulatory Organizations (SRO), of which the BSE and its subsidiary the Barbados Central Securities Depository comprise, as well as all public companies whether listed or not.
The Barbados Stock Exchange is a secondary market for the trading of shares. This means that companies do not sell their shares directly to the public via the exchange. Instead, after companies have gone public and taken the decision to list
we provide a mechanism for any investor to purchase shares in the company from shareholders who are desirous of divesting their holdings.
The process of trading shares in listed companies is therefore open to anyone over the age of 18