We place the brands at Brydens Stokes Ltd (BSL) into three distinct business divisions;Food & Consumer, Brewery, Wine, Spirits & Tobacco, and Health & Wellness.
Our wide network of international suppliers, and thriving portfolio, makes us one of the leading distribution companies on the island. To support these divisions, we have over 330 employees and a portfolio of 450 quality brands.
We make sure to reach the length and breadth of Barbados, thanks to our team of 70 sales reps and 20 sales trucks, who work tirelessly to keep your favourite shopping locations supplied with the products you need and love.
We are relationship-driven, and always put the needs of our customers first, and the families who rely on our products foremost. We're not just a distribution company, we build brands, serve communities, and empower local businesses.
We take social responsibility very seriously, and consistently make charitable donations in order to positively impact all levels of Barbadian society.
We believe in being active with our presence and also maintain ongoing sponsorships with numerous sporting groups from cricket, football, volleyball, darts, netball, and dominoes.
We place our community at the heart of what we do, and remain steadfast in our commitment to the families and businesses we serve.