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Country Barbados


Country Barbados

BCSI is a national umbrella body that brings together all services sector organizations and associations. We are the sole business support organization in Barbados that is dedicated to representing the interests of service providers and the service…
Market Research
Workshops and Seminars
Advocacy and Lobbying
Business Information and Advice
Business Match Facilitation
Facilitate Regional Linkages
Market Intelligence
Provision of Export Opportunities
Service Association Start Up and Incubation
Study Tours*
Trade Enquiries
Trade Promotion Events
Trade Shows and Exhibitions
Training Courses
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The Bahamas Chamber Of Commerce and Employers Confederation functions primarily through its Standing Committees which parallel the areas of responsibility of the Government Ministries. The Committees meet regularly to discuss problems and general ma…
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The Barbados Agricultural Society is an agricultural organisation, which is over 150 years old. It was established in 1845 by an Act of Parliament in Barbados and seeks to represent the interests of the agricultural sector in all relevant forums. Th…
Agricultural Consultancy
Cotton Growers
Dairy and Beef Producers
Egg & Poultry Producers
Floral Producers & Exporters
Fruit & Vegetable Growers
Pig Farmers
Sheep Farmers
The seven Barbados commodity Associations are:
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Coconut Industry Board


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Country Barbados