HealthCare Barbados is a subsidiary of Casualty and Property Risk Inc. (CPR Inc.). The operation was started in November of 2005 by its current CEO George Vanderpool an experienced insurance professional of over 30 years. Mr. Vanderpool was the first recipient of the Barbados Diploma in Insurance, a graduate of the University of the West Indies in Management Studies and a graduate of the University of California, Riverside in Medical Case Management where he has been honoured for his outstanding performance as one of their rising stars.
HCB specializes in the delivery of Medical Case Management Solutions, we work closely in a consultancy or advisory capacity with individuals or companies in ensuring the efficient use of medical services on the behalf of the injured party to achieve a satisfactory outcome. HCB plans, facilitates, manages and monitors the medically necessary services on behalf of the client, towards achieving their Maximum Medical Recovery (MMR). HCB also offers advice through its health insurance affiliate Casualty & Property Risk Insurance Brokers Inc. regarding group and individual health coverage, personal injury protection, accident and sickness benefit and Travel insurance.