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Five Tips That Might Help with Developing a Happiness Mindset at Work

by Carolyn Lee Apr 17, 2023

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Five Tips That Might Help with Developing a Happiness Mindset

Some jobs offer benefits and create a nurturing work culture that makes going to work a pleasant experience. However, many people are in careers they love but experience challenging work environments that limit joy over time. Changing your mindset can improve how you work and allow for positive experiences if you are having a difficult time.

We have a few suggestions to help maintain a happy perspective at work. Happiness entails a range of positive emotions, from contentment to intense delight. Optimism helps with increased productivity and improves relationships and overall health and well-being.

Five valuable tips you can use to keep a cheerful spirit even on a tough day.

Be mentally prepared for your day.

Do at least one activity that helps you mentally prepare for the workday. Meditation, exercise, and listening to or reading inspirational content are some early morning activities you can add to your morning routine.

Another way to mentally prepare is to incorporate a “gratitude activity” that lets you focus on things you love, are grateful for and that make you feel good. Choose to be happy by exploring the things that add to your joy and allow you to feel valued.

Do one thing you love each day.

Doing things you enjoy can reduce stress, improve mood, and lower your heart rate. When you are at work or have done several chores, you can use your lunch break to do one thing that you love. Some ideas include going outdoors to enjoy nature, watching a funny video clip, or sharing a good-natured conversation with someone who is usually positive and engaging.

Always aim to do your best.

Some days can be challenging resulting from tight deadlines, a heavy workload, difficult personalities, or unexpected changes in the workday. Being accountable is one way to ensure that you have done your best to adapt to changes. Doing your best can lead to feeling satisfaction. Satisfaction contributes to happiness. Also, our best is often noticed, even if not commented on immediately.

Try to avoid negativity.

Constant complaining and gossiping are harmful activities that drain your energy. If something is wrong, seek solutions. Find positive distractions to elevate your mood until you find a resolution if your preferred answers are not readily available. Most importantly, withdraw from negative conversations or put the spotlight on tasks or something that makes you feel better.

Be realistic when making promises.

It is good to do our best for others, but we also need to pay attention to doing our best for ourselves. It is only possible to make some people happy, especially at work. Set realistic timelines to manage your desk and for promises to colleagues. Be mindful that undertaking additional tasks that might cause you to feel overwhelmed, inadvertently leading to negative feelings, including unhappiness. Aim to compartmentalise professional relationships and separate personal struggles from work duties.


At Yello, we aim to provide everyday living tips you can use to enjoy a happier and healthier lifestyle. Please, check out our “Articles” for travel, Caribbean culture, and how-to guides packed with advice, suggestions, and other beneficial information.

 Sources: The Balanced Careers, Greater Good Magazine, Berkley, Edu., Amazon.