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Five Common Holiday Challenges and How to Deal with Them

by Carolyn Lee Dec 2, 2019

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The holidays are fast approaching. 

It can be an exciting time with friends and loved ones.  

However, for some of us, the holidays can be stressful. 

We are looking at five common holiday challenges and sharing how you can reduce stress while dealing with them. 


A typical Christmas tradition is decorating the home. Some people prefer elaborate decorations, while others go for more subtle décor. 

In some cases, decorating the home can become a massive project that may include painting and restoration. 

Advice: To prevent feeling overworked and financially strained, create a realistic to do list. Ensure that your budget can cover the items and services needed.  

Finally, enlist the help of professionals (if you can afford it) or loved ones to assist. Practice safety always. 


Whether you are travelling alone or with family, the holidays are usually a busy time to do so. 

Some of the common challenges include forgetting essential items, keeping track of everyone and ensuring that you have all the right things in place. 


If you haven’t yet booked your flight, be prepared to spend more.  

Make a list of all the important documents and other items that you will need for your trip.  

It may be wise to pack at least two weeks before your flight. This will give you time to ensure that you have what you need. 

This is particularly helpful if you are travelling with children or need to bring medication with you. 

Also, check your flight for schedule changes.  Also, get to the airport ahead of time. 

Dinner party 

Dinner parties can be a lot of fun. However, seamlessly executing one requires work. 

The key to hosting a successful dinner party is to plan well. 

If you can hire an event planner to assist you, then you need to be clear about what you will need.  

Some things to keep in mind include the budget for the event, number of guests, their dietary needs (vegan, vegetarian, etc.), location, time and dress code. 


Start planning early.  

Create your menu, seating arrangement (if it’s a lot of guests) and all the other necessary details.  

If you are cooking for a large group, ask for help. You may need help to cook, decorate and clean up. 

If you are hiring an event planner, do so early and provide them with the relevant information.  

Let your guests RSVP.  

If you have a strict policy on the number of guests attending, let your friends know and you’ll avoid having unwanted company at the dinner party.  

Spending time with in-laws 

We have in-laws that we adore, and we also have some that we don’t like. 

If you are dreading spending time with your in-laws this holiday, we have tips that could ease some of the pressure. 


If you have spent a lot of time around your in-laws, then you have an idea of the things that trigger them.  

Compromise within reason.  

Do not add fuel to tense moments by bringing up old arguments or being critical.  

It helps to exercise a bit of understanding. In some cases, in-laws may be concerned because they don’t know you very well. 

Try to help when and where needed and protect your peace, respectfully.  

Take a break if things start to get uncomfortable or find an excuse to leave earlier. 

Dealing with loss 

The holidays often revolve around traditions or activities with loved ones, some of whom may no longer be with us. 

During the holidays, you may feel nostalgic and sad. 


If you are thinking about avoiding others because of missing a loved one during the holidays, don’t. 

Allow yourself to grieve, but do not deny others who love you the pleasure of your company.  

Having people around who love you and understand what you are going through can make things easier.  

If you are alone this holiday and dealing with grief, it may be helpful to speak to a counsellor

If you don’t need counselling, stay active.  

Go out, get fresh air and do something that makes you feel better. 

We hope that the five topics covered in this article and the advice shared will help to make the holidays easier and more fun for you. 

To ensure that the holidays are more manageable, search FindYello for the products and services you need.  

Sources: National Safety CouncilLiving Well Spending LessWell and Good and Hitched Mag.