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How to Get Your New Year’s Resolutions Back on Track

by Yello Jan 21, 2019

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Studies have proven that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February. As we approach the end of January, here’s how you can get your resolutions back on track and achieve your 2019 goals.

Create a vision board

A vision board is a helpful way to visualise your goals. Collect images or quotes that inspire you and assemble them on a pin-board or poster board. Hang this board somewhere you’re guaranteed to see it frequently, such as over your desk or near your front door. This will be a physical reminder of your vision that will help to keep your motivation going.

Try an app

Apps are a great way to make your goals easier to achieve. There’s an app for everything today, from tracking fitness to managing budgets and logging travel plans. Input your progress and check back in periodically to gauge how you’re keeping up. Apps like Duolingo (for learning languages) can even alert you when you might be falling behind, so be sure to turn on your notifications.

Tell your friends

Involving others in your goals makes you more accountable. Not only will they praise you for successes, but they’ll also offer encouragement when your drive starts to wane.  Join a community-specific to your goals, such as a workout group or a volunteer organisation.  Be vocal about your resolutions to friends, and ask them to help you stay on track.

Stay positive

It can be easy to despair when you’re not keeping up as well as you’d hoped. Try to remain positive – the year is still young, and it’s okay to start fresh when you need to! Take a moment to identify challenges that you hadn’t considered before, and make a more feasible plan. Tell yourself words of encouragement and be patient with yourself.

Don’t let your New Year’s resolution fail this year; try these strategies, and you’ll back on track in no time.

Sources: Business Insider, New York Times, Real Simple, and Pure Wow.