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How to Work From Home Effectively

by Stephanie Koathes Apr 6, 2020

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Man working from home on a laptop in the kitchen.

It’s a lovely feeling to wake up in the morning and know that you won’t have to battle with traffic to head to the office. Working from home can be great, but it does come with challenges. 

If you’re new to working from home, we have some tips to guide you so that you work effectively and efficiently. 

Create a workspace

Rather than sitting down all day on the couch with your laptop, try to carve out a dedicated space for work. Having a set work area, instead of spending your day in spaces you associate with relaxation, will make it easier to focus. You might not have space for a whole home office, but you can surely find a table to dedicate as a work spot!

Let people know you really are working

People tend to underestimate the amount of focus it requires to work from home. It’s easy for your spouse, children or roommate to get into a habit of asking you to do things around the house. You must make it clear that you are working and are unavailable to do household activities during work hours. You can put a schedule up by your workspace as a visual reminder not to bother you while you work. 

Get out of your PJs

As tempting as it might be to lounge around in your PJs or comfy house clothes, when working from home you should get up and get dressed. The simple act of getting dressed reminds you, and those around you, that you’re working. 

Stick to regular hours

Wake up early, get dressed, have your coffee or tea and get to work. Sticking to a regular, scheduled routine will help keep you focused.

Capitalise on productive periods

No one can stay wholly focused throughout an entire workday. We all have times when we’re at our most productive. When you’re working from home, it’s more important than ever to capitalise on those productive periods. Are you at your best early in the morning? Or is it after lunch that you really come alive? Plan your most important tasks for those times when you’re naturally most focused. 

Check-in the co-workers virtually

Check-in with your co-workers and supervisor regularly via email or telecommuting software like Skype for Business or Microsoft Teams. Keeping in contact will help you to stay up-to-date on what’s going on and allow for better collaboration. 

Have a structure

Structure your day like you would in the office. Have a clear to-do list showing what you need to accomplish during the day and when. Without structure, it’s easy to lose focus and end up watching TV while your tasks go undone. 

Resist the pull of the kitchen

Don’t allow yourself to be lured into the kitchen for constant snacking. Try and stay disciplined. If you need to, schedule short snack breaks into your day and do your best to stick to those. 

Get up and move

Don’t stay glued to your workspace. Sitting for hours is terrible for your health. Plan breaks throughout your day. You can even set an alarm on your phone or fitness tracker to remind you to get up every 20 minutes or at least once an hour. Get up, go for a walk, stretch, do 10 minutes of yoga or something else that will get you moving and help you to feel refreshed. 

Try the Pomodoro Technique 

If you find yourself struggling to concentrate, give the Pomodoro Technique a go. Break your tasks into intense 25-minute bursts of work, followed by five-minute breaks. 

Keep work and personal time separate

It’s easy to slack off when working at home. It’s also just as easy to spend too much time working! Set clear boundaries between your work time and personal time. Commit to logging out of work at a specific time and stick to it.

Sources: INCHubspotLife Hack