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Get These 10 Essential Items for the First Aid Kit in Your Car

by Carolyn Lee Apr 26, 2022

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Get these 10 essential items for the first aid kit in your car

Many of us spend a lot of time driving to and from work, other people’s homes, or businesses. The road can be unpredictable for even the best driver, so it helps to have a first aid kit to handle health emergencies that may happen on the road.

First aid assistance is necessary for someone who has suffered a minor or severe illness or injury, so having a kit inside your vehicle can be helpful.

Some motor vehicle dealerships that sell luxury vehicles may provide a standard first aid kit with your car in some countries. These first aid kits may vary according to the type and quality of items inside.

If your vehicle does not include a first aid kit, you can purchase a pre-assembled kit or items to have in one at your local pharmacy or drugstore.

10 essential items for the first aid kit you keep in your car.

Get these 10 essential items for the first aid kit in your car
  1. Include sterile gauze pads/dressingsin different sizes to treat wounds.
  2. Add antibiotic ointment to your kit to treat minor skin wounds so that they can heal faster.
  3. Antiseptic wipe packets can clean hands and a wound and may help prevent infection in minor cuts, burns, or scrapes.
  4. Ensure that you have a pair of curved scissors to cut bandages, clothing, seatbelts, etc.
  5. Stock at least one pair of gloves to keep the wound free of harmful bacteria and when cleaning the area where blood or other bodily fluid may be present. You can use latex or non-latex gloves for people who are allergic to latex.
  6. Buy a pair of tweezers, preferably needle nose tweezers, that can remove splinters, thorns, or ticks.
  7. Put adhesive or sticky tape in your first aid kit to hold the loose end of bandages or dressings. The sticky tape can also tape toes or fingers together if needed.
  8. Saline solution can be bought over-the-counter and is handy for flushing out eye injuries. You can also use the saline solution on other wounds.
  9. An elastic bandage can hold gauze or cold packs in place or securely wrap an injury to minimize swelling. You can also use it as a tourniquet. Purchase elastic bandages that have Velcro or metal claps that make closure easy.
  10. You can use an instant cold pack to reduce the swelling and bruising of an injury. The cold can help to ease itching from bites or stings. Try one that gets icy when shaken or by bending the ice pack. Grab a few since you can only use it once.

Important note: Ensure that your first aid kit includes contact information for responsible family members/friends, your doctor, emergency services, and the poison helpline in your country. You should also include a basic medical history form with information on any allergies and other relevant medical concerns you may have.

Use Find Yello to search for pharmacies, drugstores, and related businesses that sell pre-assembled first aid kits or supplies you can use to create your own.

Sources: Red Cross, SureFire CPR, Verywell Family, and News24.