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Beginner’s Guide to Mobile Marketing Tips that Drive Leads

by Yello Feb 3, 2020

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Mobile devices have taken over the world. I know, not a secret. However, the numbers are still staggering. Research suggests that global mobile phone usage totals 7.2 billion. For perspective, the most recent count of the world’s total population, which was released in 2017, totaled 7.5 billion.

So yes, mobile has taken over the world. And that means marketers must include it in their overall marketing strategy. If your business is still new to the world of mobile marketing, here are five tips to get you on the right path to increase brand awareness, drive traffic and of course, increase leads.

  • Have a Clear Goal – Before anything else, it’s essential to first establish what your business wants to achieve with its mobile marketing campaign. Having a clearly defined goal will help guide your objectives and overall strategy. Some of the most common mobile marketing goals, similar to any marketing campaign, is to drive traffic and get more leads, increase sales and increase brand awareness.
  • Customize all Platforms for Mobile – Because individuals are so attached to their mobile devices, it’s imperative that with or without a specific mobile marketing campaign running, businesses must ensure that all their platforms and online marketing channels are consistently mobile friendly. Think company website, social media platforms, email marketing assets, such as newsletters, etc. There is even the ability to make traditional marketing channels mobile friendly. For example, including QR codes in printed ads, on billboard ads, etc.
  • Have an App for Business – You’ve probably heard the running joke of, “there’s an app for that”. The reality is, in this mobile obsessed world, most customers and potential customers assume and well, expect a business to have an app that offers many quick and simple solutions for interacting with said business. Find an app developer, if one is not readily available in-house, to design a great app for your business. Once your app is up and running, periodically run promotions to encourage individuals to download. For example, discounts on certain items, free coupons, etc.
  • Customize Messages Using Geo-Targeting – Almost all mobile devices come with some type of geolocation option. Make use of this to help better target specific customers in specific locations and customize messages. Research shows that most mobile searches occur during those micro-moments when an individual wants an immediate solution to their problem. For example, a hungry individual searching for a restaurant/food option that’s nearby. These are the moments perfect for geo-targeting.
  • Text Messages Work Very Well – Research shows that 41% of individuals use their mobile phones for text messaging, as opposed to talking. Marketers need to take advantage of this and try to push their messages using the said channel. Text messaging in marketing is also referred to as SMS marketing and essentially involves sending promotional messages directly to a target audience via their text inbox. Naturally, individuals have to agree to receive these messages, or “opt-in”. The benefits of SMS marketing are numerous, including that it’s very easy to track and your message is delivered immediately to your audience. Also, there is clearly some level of interest on the individual’s part, as they would not agree to have messages come to their inbox. And that makes them a warm lead with strong potential to become a customer.

These are just a few of the many ways to get your mobile marketing strategy just right. Have more questions to get your digital marketing strategy just right, Yello can help. Contact us today.