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Know the Facts about…Depression 

by Karen Rollins Jan 14, 2019

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We all have times when we’re feeling down and would rather curl up on the sofa with a glass of wine than make the effort to socialise.

But there’s a difference between having a few days or weeks of feeling low and sad and being depressed.

Yello has been looking at this debilitating condition which can affect anyone at any time.

What is depression? 

Doctors diagnose depression in three different forms – mild, moderate and severe.

According to the National Health Service in England, the symptoms of depression vary according to the individual, however “as a general rule, if you’re depressed, you feel sad, hopeless and lose interest in things you used to enjoy.

“The symptoms persist for weeks or months and are bad enough to interfere with your work, social life and family life.”

What are some of the symptoms? 

The symptoms of depression are different for each person, but they can be categorised as psychological, physical or social.

Below are a few of the most common symptoms in each category.


– continuous low mood or sadness.
– feeling hopeless and helpless.
– having low self-esteem.
– feeling tearful.
– not getting any enjoyment from life.


– lack of energy.
– unexplained aches or pains.
– weight loss or gain.
– disturbed sleep.


– avoiding social settings.
– struggling at work.
– difficulties in home or family life.
– neglecting hobbies or interests.

How is depression treated? 

If you think you’re feeling depressed, you should make an appointment with your GP to discuss your symptoms.

S/he will be able to diagnose the problem before consulting with you on the best way to deal with it. The types of treatment you’re offered, which can include counselling sessions or medication, will depend on the severity of the depression.

If you don’t feel comfortable going to a GP then you could talk to a friend, family member, or faith leader about the feelings you are experiencing.

The good news is that when you recognise that you are suffering and get help for depression, it can be treated, and most people go on to make a full recovery.

Sources: NHS UK / Mayo Clinic

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