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On a Budget: How to Save Money at the Supermarket

by Stephanie Koathes May 27, 2019

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Shopping cart with items in a supermarket aisle.

It’s easy to leave the supermarket totally mystified as to how your bill ended up being so high.

Going to the supermarket can leave a hole in your wallet like nothing else, but some simple tricks can help you save.

• Meal prepping can save you money at the supermarket. Plan your menu for the week and head to the supermarket armed with a list of the things you need; stick to the list! If you walk into the supermarket with a plan for your meals, you’ll be less tempted to stray from your list and grab unnecessary items.

• When possible, use a basket when you shop rather than a large shopping cart. Tests have shown that customers tend to buy more when they use a cart. When a basket is full however, they tend to head for the check out. Using a basket will work your arms and help you save at the supermarket.

• At least once a month take an inventory of what you’ve got in the pantry, your fridge, and freezer. When you know what you have, you’ll know what you don’t need to spend your hard earned cash on.

• Pick the key aisles you need to hit during your supermarket run and try to stick to those aisles. Avoid taking strolls down aisles that have nothing you really need. Shoppers who peruse lots of aisles in the supermarket are more prone to making unnecessary impulse purchases.

• Avoid pre-packaged foods like shredded veggies or cheese and opt for whole foods instead. Shredded cheese is certainly convenient, but chances are it’s more expensive than a block of cheese.

• Check the bottom shelves. Supermarkets tend to place higher priced goods at eye-level where they’re easier to see and reach. You might be able to find cheaper options on the lower shelves.

Toilet paper rolls on white background. Buying toilet paper in bulk is a good way to save money at the supermarket.

• Buy non-perishable items like detergent, toilet paper, napkins, and soap at bulk or discount stores. You’ll be surprised at home much you save on your supermarket bill when you’re not buying these items frequently.

• Don’t go shopping when you’re hungry! Research has shown that people tend to spend more when they’re hungry.

Use these tips to help you save money on your next trip to the supermarket.

On a budget? We’ve got you covered. Have a look at this article showing you how to enjoy dining out while sticking to your budget.

Sources: Time, Greatist, The Kitchn