The Five Most Important Health Tips for Caribbean Men
by Lou-Ann Jordan Jun 3, 2024

What is Caribbean masculinity? Well, it’s many things, but stoicism and bravado are two juxtaposing features that rise above many other winsome qualities. Typically, it’s uncommon for the men of our region to discuss their insecurity, hurt, or pain. Situations resulting in these are either ignored, buried, or deflated with bravado. Great measures are taken to shroud any vulnerability. Of course, the filters and vulnerability are forsaken with surprising swiftness when making overtures, sometimes to the chagrin of the opposite sex (catcalling women when among other males). But that goes back to bravado.
This interplay of stoicism and bravado becomes the lens through which much is experienced, particularly health. It’s rare for Caribbean men to visit the doctor willingly, and even more so for a check-up rather than a medical emergency. Yet, the Pan American Health Organization stated in a 2023 article that the mortality of Caribbean men is higher than that of the women in the region. The article, Masculinities and Men’s Health in the Caribbean, further noted that while men aged 15-34 were more likely to die because of interpersonal violence, road accidents or self-harm, coronary heart disease, and stroke were the leading causes of death in males of all ages. What’s the takeaway? Taking care of your health is a must!
Minor issues left unchecked can develop into serious problems. Still, it can be somewhat daunting to decide how to get started. Do you immediately slash your sugar and salt intake and start running or weightlifting at the gym daily? While these may benefit you, we want to help you approach this more intentionally. The goal should be to adopt habits that you’ll maintain. Therefore, we’ll focus on five basic areas you can easily address.
Five Important Health Tips for Caribbean Men
Avoid Alcohol Abuse
We’re starting with this one first because we know “taking a drink with the fellas” is a common pastime or a part of Caribbean culture, to say the least. Whether it’s a lime by the bar, pub, rum shop, or ‘corner’ after work, it’s what you do to dispel the day’s stress. We’re not trying to take that away from you, but we suggest that if you are going to drink, then do so moderately. Harmful use of alcohol can lead to social and health problems. We mentioned previously that interpersonal violence is prevalent among Caribbean males, but did you know alcohol abuse is a known contributor? It’s also a primary factor in road accidents. In addition, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) links alcohol misuse to over 200 health issues. Among these are heart disease, chronic liver disease, and stroke. You’re not too young or old to reduce your consumption. Do so before it’s too late.
Pro tip: Set a limit for yourself. You can also opt for drinks with a lower alcohol percentage. For example, switch beers for lesser-strength ciders.
Eat Well (What, How Much and How Late)
Stop and think about what you ate today. Did you have breakfast, or did you skip it? What about lunch? Was it a balance of whole grains, protein, and vegetables? Also, what did you or will you have for dinner (and we’re not even going to ask how late you typically consume your last meal)? All of these are important because, often, more attention is paid to taste and quantity than the impact of what is being consumed (and when). With coronary heart disease high on the mortality list for Caribbean men, fast foods, fried foods, processed meats, and whole milk have been identified by health professionals as foods that should be avoided. Eating healthy does require being intentional and determined. Pay attention to your choices, whether you eat out regularly or self-prep your meals. Check out our article Here’s How to Have a Healthy Heart: 5-A-Day for tips on what should be on your ‘plate’.
Pro tip: Eating healthy encapsulates what you eat, as well as how much and when you eat. We’ve addressed what you eat above. For portions, here’s a useful maxim: eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper! Also, cut off early; you must give your body ample time to digest.
Get Physically Fit
It’s easy to scoff at this one if your job is physically oriented or if you’re regularly pumping iron at the gym. However, a common misconception is that muscular strength is enough, but it’s about more than that. Your level of physical fitness is determined by your physical strength, along with your muscular and cardiovascular endurance. It’s the way your heart, lungs and muscles perform. If your job is intensely physical, that’s a great start, but it’s not enough. Incorporating regular exercise would be beneficial. Exercise becomes even more critical in a sedentary profession. For those who practice a regular strength-building routine, don’t neglect exercises that get your heart pumping.
Pro tip: Some people enjoy running, while others love walking. Either of the two will help maintain or improve your physical fitness. If your commitments don’t allow for an evening walk or run, forgo driving to and from short distances throughout the day. A brisk walk will get your heart pumping quite easily.
Protect Your Mental Health
Earlier, we discussed masculinity in the Caribbean and how it’s centrally perceived as stoic. This tendency occurs not only in instances of physical hurt or pain. As much as it is relied upon for navigating physical health issues, it intensely governs mental health concerns. This behaviour is exacerbated by the associated stigma and the overall deficiency in support for those with mental health problems. Many lack information on how to protect mental well-being and how to identify and treat ill health. So, how do we start? First, note that mental health is just like physical health. You want to function optimally. However, illnesses also exist in this sphere. Mental illness ranges from minor to severe and is not gender-based. Women and men can experience challenges. It’s not a statement about your manhood. Also, many factors can impact your mental wellbeing. Changes or challenges with work, relationships, physical health, and more. Having to navigate one or more of these simultaneously can evoke stress and anxiety, which dogged stoicism only masks but doesn’t resolve. While you can’t avoid life’s challenges by engaging in activities that help you relax and feel re-energised, you can protect your mental well-being.
Pro tip: A walk, run, gym workout or a sporting match with the fellas are excellent ways to boost your endorphins and relieve stress.
Do Regular Checks
Caribbean men are tough. There’s no doubt about it. You do what it takes to provide for and protect your family and friends. Nothing gets in the way of that—not even pain, right? Wrong! Ignoring pain, especially something that is ongoing. Disregarding an issue will not make it go away, especially if it’s medical. You run the risk of it developing into something more serious with time. Moreover, as you age, certain checks are critical, namely prostate, blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. Take care of yourself internally, as well as you do externally. Don’t take your wellness for granted.
Pro tip: Get your checks done even if you feel healthy!
There you have it! The five most important health tips for Caribbean men you will find online. We’re not saying this is all there is to it, not by any means. Nevertheless, these are a good place to start!