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The Caribbean Man: Win The Epic Battle With Razor Bumps

by Lou-Ann Jordan Nov 6, 2023

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Findyello article Caribbean Man how to treat razor bumps with image showing man looking at face

We know Movember is all about men, but we want to narrow the focus somewhat and focus on the Caribbean man. In this series, we discuss various topics that concern men. We explore everything from men’s fashion to men’s health, and all the issues in between. Browse our article section to view other features in the series.

In this instalment, we’ll address a common problem among men. Razor bump or barber’s itch is the bane of every guy’s clean-shaven face. Those red bumps appear, marring yours or your barber’s precise handiwork, not to mention your handsome face. We understand you’ve given your razor a rest this month in support of Movember 2023. However, from 1 December when you’re ready to shave your “Mo'” and return to a smooth shaven face, these are tips to avoid razor bumps.

Scientifically referred to as pseudofolliculitis barbae, it is a skin condition with which many men, mainly those with curly hair, battle. Now, that is not to say that women do not develop razor bumps, but we’re deliberately focusing on men’s health, so we’ve tailored our discussion.

Do you experience those painful, itchy bumps after shaving? Typically, they occur whenever one shaves. It’s commonplace for some men to have them appear on their jawline, chin, and neck. But besides where they occur, there are some key factors to note about this skin condition.

Rather than endure it, we want to equip you with the information to win the battle with razor bumps. Read on as we share some insight into this skin condition.

Findyello article Caribbean Man how to treat razor bumps with image showing man shaving

What are razor bumps?

Pseudofolliculitis barbae or razor bumps, are really just ingrown hairs. For many, when hair grows out, it can suddenly turn back on inward, digging into the skin. Another cause of ingrown hair is clogged hair follicles, which obstruct the proper growth of hair. Instead of growing from the skin, the hair grows sideways from dead skin, blocking its path. Both cause the skin to become irritated, and bumps appear.

How to prevent razor bumps?

First, anyone can get razor bumps. As previously mentioned, men with tight curls or spiral strands are more susceptible. To help prevent raised skin, moisten your face with warm water and use a mild soap. This procedure will soften the hair and open your pores. Using a thick shaving gel, shave with the grain—basically in the direction the hair grows. Remember, don’t stretch the skin. Also, use fewer strokes and then rinse with cold water. Apply a moisturising cream after shaving.

Also, to prevent ingrown hairs caused by blocked follicles, use a face scrub before shaving to get rid of the dead skin that’s obstructing their growth.

Findyello article Caribbean Man how to treat razor bumps with image showing man in barber shop

How to treat razor bumps?

We’re not sure you want to hear this, but the most effective way to get rid of razor bumps is to stop shaving. We know that’s a hard pill to swallow for some, although bearded faces do continue to trend.  But if your preference is a clean-shaven look, then pay attention to any bump formations as you shave.  You can use a clean needle to release the hair shaft, stopping them in their tracks.

For cases of severe ingrown hair, hydrocortisone or antibiotic skin creams are helpful. However, we advise that you first consult with your dermatologist or physician.

Armed with this information, we hope you can now conquer this irritating skin problem.

To pick up supplies for this epic battle, search our pharmacies or pharmaceutical products listing.

Sources: Dollar Shave Club, Healthline and WebMD.