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Tips for healthy teeth & gums

by Lisa Beauchamp Jan 9, 2017

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"healthy teeth and gums"


Healthy gums are vital for good oral health care and a fabulous smile. A simple daily cleansing routine can help to prevent most dental problems.


Regular dental exams – visit your dentist every six months for a check up and x-rays. Your dentist will remove plaque and tartar build up that can lead to diseased gums.


Brush regularly – from an early age get into the habit of brushing your teeth first thing in the morning and last thing at night. By removing tiny pieces of food from around your teeth, you will stop your gums from becoming inflamed, swollen and infected.


Fluoride toothpaste – fluoride helps to protect and strengthen teeth that reduced tooth decay.


Floss – develop a daily routine of flossing or using an ‘interdental’ brush, to clean intensely between each tooth and under your gum line. Plaque needs to be removed and build up prevented, in order to avoid tooth decay and gum disease.


Use mouthwash – a fluoride mouthwash used daily can help to prevent tooth decay. Or an antibacterial mouthwash can help to control plaque and reduce gum disease.


Avoid sugary foods and drinks – these can cause decay as well as be acidic which gradually wears away the hard enamel tooth coating.


By making these changes to your daily routine, they can make a difference long term and enable you to keep your smile white and bright.


Sources: lifehack.org, dentalhealth.org