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If You are Hosting a Dinner Gathering at Home This Holiday… These Tips Will Help

by Carolyn Lee Dec 18, 2023

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If You are Hosting a Dinner Gathering at Home This Holiday… These Tips Will Help

Holiday dinner party planning can make even the most relaxed person anxious. We know how nervous planning a dinner party can be, especially if it’s your first time. So, we’ve prepared ten tips to help make things easier for you.

Use these hosting tips for a successful holiday dinner.

Be psychologically prepared: Hosting an event takes a lot of energy. You will deal with a dynamic group of people for a few hours, and it can be easy to forget to pace yourself. Although you are hosting, you must enjoy yourself too.

Planning is crucial: Being prepared can prevent unnecessary mistakes and omissions. Plan your guest list, ask your guests about food allergies and create your menu. Having the details worked out gives you a clear idea of budgeting expenses and what is needed to manage the event successfully.

Decide on your serving style: Your serving style can help you decide what to include in your menu. Do you plan on having a buffet or caterers serve the meals? Having someone serve the meal works well if you have a long table.

Pay attention to the details: Some vital areas of event planning include decorations, seating arrangements, food preparation, clean up, and entertainment. Create a list of what you will need.

Ask for help: Do you plan to cook the meals, get a caterer or have both in your budget? Are other relatives helping with decorations, clean up, or entertainment? Ask your relatives or friends for help and delegate some of the tasks.

Get what you need early: Most people have started holiday shopping, so getting what you need early is wise. If you start now, you might find a few deals on what you need.

Know your guests: When you know your guests, you can avoid seating confusion, arguments, and uncomfortable encounters between people who might not be speaking to each other. You can also prevent potential medical emergencies for people with food allergies.

Join in the excitement: Parties are supposed to be fun. So, don’t get too caught up if you notice drink spots on the carpet, pillows dropped on the floor, or decorations pulled down. Most things will get sorted when it’s time to clean up.

Have a detox room: Some people might overindulge, so prepare an area to relax until they feel better. Ensure that your first aid kit is stacked with supplies and that you have a doctor’s number on speed dial in case of serious emergencies.

Get a designated driver: You can ask a relative, friend or close contact to serve as a designated driver. Let guests who typically drink know a driver will be available so they can focus on enjoying their time with you.

Good luck hosting for the holidays; remember to join in the fun.

Sources: Good Housekeeping, Food and Wine, The Washington Post, Evite and CDC.