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5 Ways to Improve Mobile Customer Experience

by Yello Feb 8, 2018

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Mobile is re-shaping marketing strategies and transforming brands and customer experience. Brands are constantly judged on how well positioned they are in search engine results pages (SERP’s) and how fast and accurate they can make information readily available for mobile. Marketers must now account for how well their content is performing.

Here’s a short video with 5 ways to improve your Mobile Customer Experience. Remember to download and check out our GPS enhanced FindYello mobile app from your GOOGLE PLAYSTORE or APPLE App Store.

Shorten Your Content
Brevity is a great deal to mobile searchers. When it comes to the content you deliver, think short, catchy and valuable. Web searchers are usually short on time and have specific needs, so you have to get in front of them with the right message.
As a general rule, simplicity wins.

Make Reviews a Priority
Many customers use reviews as a make it-or-break it tactic when using their mobile to search online. Focus on getting positive reviews on your core services, which will in turn reap a positive look for the brand.
Download our new and enhanced mobile app and leave a review from your favourite spot now!

When encouraging reviews, encourage customers to upload photos with their reviews as it provides great local content and social proof-elements for your mobile site.

Mobile Speed Matters
Optimizing your site for mobile doesn’t just mean cleaning the code; it also means focusing on the speed with which it loads. Think With Google found that if a page’s loading time goes from one second to five seconds, the bounce rate goes up by 90 percent. As such, mobile speed directly affects bounce rates and ultimately impacts websites conversions. Websites that load faster, earn more. So, test, adjust, test again and make sure your site isn’t trailing behind.

Looking to get started? Let Yello guide you to a successful mobile marketing strategy!

Optimize for local content
Research shows that 96 percent of users now reach for their smartphones in micro-moments. These micro-moments occur when a consumer instinctively reaches for their smartphone to find something like a tutorial or the location of a local store. By tweaking your hours, directions, page titles and descriptions, you can double your impressions and raise the number of clicks.
Here are some additional steps to optimize your site for searches:
Embed a Google Map prominently on your website.
Display your business name, address and phone prominently.
Provide each business location with its own listing on your Google My Business listing.

Optimize your images
Image optimization is one of the essential factors of mobile marketing. Not only should you take into consideration the quality and type of your images, but you should also focus on the file name, alt text, title text and captions. Always ensure that your file names are clear, relevant and descriptive.
Consider inviting customers to share pictures online (e.g., websites, Instagram, Yelp, Google) and include as much rich detail as possible.
If you’re thinking about optimizing your brand and website for mobile, this is information you shouldn’t sleep on. Not sure how to get started or simply want to improve your mobile strategy, Yello can help.