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Avoiding jet lag: Six do’s and don’ts

by Karen Rollins Jan 22, 2018

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We all love jetting away on holiday to a luxurious destination, but it can be hard to enjoy your vacation when your body struggles to adjust to the time difference.

Jet lag can leave you feeling sluggish and lethargic as well as causing temporary issues like insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, and difficulty concentrating.

There’s no pill you can take to make jet lag go away, but we’ve put together some do’s and don’ts which might help you to avoid it, and make the most of your hard earned break.


Drink lots of water: Water helps to keep you alert and relieves fatigue. Your body also works best when it’s fully hydrated. It will be tempting to drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks, but these should be avoided while your body gets used to the new time zone.

Set your watch: When you get on the plane change the time on your watch to match the time at your destination. This helps your mind adjust to the new time zone and gets you psychologically ready for a new timetable when you land.

Take your gym gear: Moving around on the plane is a good idea to keep blood flowing, but when you land one of the best ways to boost your energy levels, is to go for a run or swim. Exercising boosts your endorphins which will help you relax and should also tire you out before bedtime.


Sleep during daytime flights: Try to stay awake during daylight hours including on the flight. Keep yourself occupied by reading a book, watching a movie, or listening to music. Do not change your sleep pattern by having a nap but try to get your usual amount of sleep in a 24-hour period.

Eat heavy meals: Consuming heavy food, especially at lunchtime, can slow your metabolism and throw your body clock even further out of sync. Eat light meals, such as salads, and snack on nuts or fruit to keep your energy levels high.

Keep technology on at night: Give yourself the best possible chance of falling asleep by switching off your phone, tablet or laptop. If you’re checking messages and emails just before bedtime, your brain will find it hard to switch off and your sleep will be interrupted, so give yourself time to completely unwind before turning off the lights.

Happy travels!

Sources: Skyscanner and Trip Savvy