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Natural Remedies for Anxiety

by Yello Aug 27, 2018

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If anxiety or heightened stress is interfering with your daily life, try these natural remedies to help reduce worry, and quiet a racing mind.

Exercise and Nutrition

A balanced diet and regular exercise aren’t just beneficial for physical health, they can also work wonders for mental and emotional health. Increasing endorphins through exercise and boosting nutrition can help to ward off anxious energy by reducing brain fog and promoting a positive outlook.

Cut Back On Digital Noise

In today’s digital environment, over stimulation can be difficult to circumvent. If possible, commit to spending less time on your electronics. Work on developing boundaries by recognising and eliminating (or reducing) digital triggers such as social media scrolling, television before bed time, or an onslaught of negative news stories.

Lavender Aromatherapy

Lavender essential oil is often recommended by homeopaths as a natural remedy for anxiety. Place a drop on your pillow before bed, or roll directly onto the temples, wrists or back of the neck. Keep in mind any skin sensitivities or allergies when using essential oils.

Chamomile Tea

The therapeutic benefits in chamomile make it a great natural option for those suffering from anxiety. The daisy-like flower has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and fight stress. Try brewing a cup before bed for a restful night’s sleep.

Reframe Thoughts and Practice Compassion

Spells of anxiety are often characterised by non-proportionate concerns and self-criticism. Try writing down the things that make you anxious, including triggers and how those triggers made you feel.  Then, reframe any discouraging thoughts in a more compassionate way. Can you step outside of yourself to view the problem with fresh eyes? Can you practice more patience with yourself?


Meditation can help with quieting chaotic or nervous thoughts by reminding you to slow down and stay present. Try starting your mornings with 20 minutes of meditation to constructively kick-start your day. Sit with your eyes closed and focus on your breath. If negative thoughts arise, allow them to pass, and return to the present moment.


Don’t let anxiety stop you from living your best life. Whether you’re dealing with recurring anxiety or just a moment of pressure, natural remedies can help you to centre yourself and feel a little less frantic day by day.

Sources: Health, Healthline, Reader’s Digest, VeryWellMind, GaiaM, Herb Wisdom