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These Five Teas Might Help with Relieving Your Cold Symptoms

by Carolyn Lee Nov 7, 2022

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These Five Teas Might Help with Relieving Your Cold Symptoms

Dealing with cold symptoms like a sore throat, headache, sneezing, congestion, fever, runny nose, or post-nasal drip can be an unpleasant experience for many. It is essential to stay hydrated with liquids like tea that can break up congestion and soothe a sore throat. Although teas might not cure a cold, some herbal ingredients may ease respiratory infection symptoms.

Teas that can be used as home remedies to treat a cold

Ginger tea: Ginger has many benefits, with some potentially helping treat a sore throat and congestion. Using fresh ginger may help protect the respiratory system and support the immune system. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties make it a soothing and worthwhile tea to drink when experiencing cold symptoms.

Peppermint tea: Peppermint might improve concentration and digestion. Another valuable benefit of this mint includes antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which may help immune health, improve clogged airways, and help with allergy symptoms and headaches. The menthol in peppermint tea might relieve clogged sinuses and make breathing easier for some people. These benefits make peppermint tea calming and helpful when tackling a cold.

Green tea: Green tea’s antioxidant activity can support the body when it’s under attack by an intruding infection or environmental factors. This tea might give you an energy boost while your body is fighting a cold, encourages a healthy metabolism, and provides immune support.

Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea is a favourite among tea lovers because of its soothing effects. This tea is rich in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that help with some cold symptoms. Sleeping with a sore throat, congestion, or frequent coughing can be challenging. Rest is crucial to healing, and a warm cup of chamomile tea can help you sleep, allowing your body the rest it needs to recover. Please speak to your doctor if you are pregnant before drinking chamomile tea.

Elderberry tea: The dark berries from the elderberry plant are filled with health-boosting antioxidants and contain anti-viral and anti-microbial properties. Tea made from elderberries can help soothe respiratory symptoms and might reduce the duration of your cold.

While teas can help to ease some of the symptoms of a cold, you should consult with your doctor if you experience dehydration, symptoms that last more than 10 days, trouble breathing, or a fever that lasts longer than four days. Please use our Find Yello listings to search for supermarkets, pharmacies, doctors, and related services that you need.

Sources: WebMD, Healthline, Good Housekeeping, and Medical News Today.