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5 More Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

by Yello Jul 25, 2019

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We previously discussed five digital marketing tips for small businesses to successfully execute a digital marketing strategy. That was just a small part of the many steps a business can take to have a successful digital marketing strategy. Here are five more.

1.SEO – It’s simple, if potential customers can’t find you, then they can’t buy your product. And the way to be found online is to ensure that all of your content, including your website, blog articles, social media posts, etc. are optimized for search engines. That means using the right keywords, i.e. the words your target audience is likely to search for and/or is already searching for.

2. Content Is Still King – It’s all about great content. You have a great brand but no one really knows about it. So tell them. And the way to do that is through relevant, interesting and creative content. The options are almost limitless – blog articles, social media posts, guest blog articles, infographics, videos, images, long-form materials such as white papers, e-books, etc.

3. Establish Influencer Relationships – Influencer marketing has become one of the most buzzed-about and successful strategies in the digital world in the last few years. Now I know what you’re thinking – isn’t influencer marketing for large corporations with billion-dollar brands who can afford to pay social media influencers with millions of followers? Simply put, no. Influencers come in many categories and on various channels. It just takes a little research on your part. Finding one that fits your budget and brand identity can reap great rewards for your business.

Ready to get started? Yello can help.

4. Engage With Audience – One of the simplest ways to gain customers and keep them is to get them to like you. It may seem trite, but it’s true. And one way to have your customers and potential customers like you is to engage with them in a genuine and personable manner. Respond to social media and blog comments, ask questions to engage your audience, be funny and clever, etc. A little personality can go a long way.

5. Become An Expert – If people find you to be a credible source, then they will trust your brand and by that token, be more willing to purchase from you. So work on building your credibility and being seen as an authority in whatever industry your business is in. A few ways to do this is by gaining certifications that carry significant weight, create partnerships with respected and credible organizations, etc.

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the ways we can help your business succeed.