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Five Cheap and Easy Ways to Whiten Your Teeth!

by Lou-Ann Jordan Sep 14, 2020

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There is nothing quite like a beautiful smile.

In terms of image management, a glowing smile is like your logo.  By it, people create impressions about your personality, and it influences their interaction with you.  Even though the yellowing of teeth naturally occurs over time, it may give the appearance of being unhygienic and it is not socially acceptable. 

That being said, an essential element of a beautiful smile, then, is your teeth. We all want to expose pearly whites when we greet people. However, the cost of a teeth whitening treatment may be outside of your budget, and purchasing a succession of white strips may not be practical.

Thankfully, there are DIY methods for maintaining clean, healthy teeth.  Of course, as with everything, moderation should be applied when using.  Also, we advise that you consult your dentist before trying at-home whitening treatments.

Here are five natural teeth whitening remedies that are cost-effective.

Baking soda brush

Using baking soda to aid in teeth whitening is not a new remedy by any means.  Baking soda is quite effective in lifting stains off the surface of your teeth.  While there have been concerns about the harshness of the powder on the enamel, a 2017 study showed it is safe.  Moreover, the study stated that baking soda has ‘relatively low abrasivity’.  All in all, it’s a low-cost means you can incorporate into your dental hygiene. 

Oily brush-swish-spit

Oil pulling is not conventional—some may even think it strange, but it’s relatively easy and, based on ancient Indian traditions, effective.  Oil pulling involves substituting mouthwash for oil.  Rinsing your mouth with oil helps to remove bacteria which tend to turn to plaque, yellowing your teeth.  After brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with the oil—any oil will do, though many people prefer to use coconut oil because of its antibacterial properties.  Try it, swish for a minute and then spit out.

Hydrogen peroxide stain remover

Hydrogen peroxide has been said to help teeth discolouration.  The clear liquid works like a mild bleach that removes stains.  However, for better results, you can mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda.  Despite this benefit, don’t use this remedy for a prolonged period as hydrogen peroxide increases teeth sensitivity, especially if not sufficiently diluted. 

Apple cider vinegar mouthwash

Apple cider as a mouthwash has always been popular. While this remedy does have some effect on dental discolouration, it’s advisable to use periodically.  Though it has antibacterial properties, the acid in vinegar erodes the enamel on your teeth.  If using this remedy, be sure to dilute the vinegar appropriately and even then limit the time the solution comes into contact with your teeth. Don’t overuse.

Findyello article on cheap ways to whiten your teeth image smiling couple.

Fruity dental cleanser

Pineapples and papayas are two types of fruits that contain teeth whitening properties.  Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme, which helps to remove stains.  Admittedly, the effectiveness of fruits as a means of whitening teeth is modest.  However, regular consumption of fruits—and vegetables aid in removing plaque and brightening your choppers. (https://andeglobal.org)

Although the yellowing of teeth is a natural occurrence, many of us do not like its appearance mainly because it’s usually associated with poor dental hygiene. 

However, that isn’t always the case. Nonetheless, if you’re looking to brighten your smile in addition to these, there are many other options available.  In most instances, DIY remedies require consistency, as it’s unlikely the results will not be overnight. 

Also, these remedies are not a substitute for maintaining proper oral hygiene such as regular flossing and brushing after meals.  

Be sure to check with your dentist for more advice on safe methods for teeth whitening.

For more information on dental hygiene check our dental listing to find a dentist near you.

Sources: HealthlineMedical News Today and Science Direct