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Five Quick Facts About Caffeine

by Karen Rollins Dec 11, 2017

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Millions of people around the world start every day with a cup of coffee, but what do we really know about caffeine and its effect on the human body?

*Caffeine is a stimulant which activates the central nervous system making us feel more alert. In moderation it has some proven health benefits, including boosting memory, concentration, mental health and relieving fatigue.

*In large doses caffeine can be dangerous as it can trigger a fast heart rate, or cause insomnia, anxiety, and restlessness. Abruptly cutting your caffeine intake can lead to unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, anxiety and irritability.

*Caffeine is present in chocolate, tea leaves, kola nuts (which flavour colas), and cocoa beans and it can also be combined with some painkillers to make it more effective. Several energy drinks use caffeine as an ingredient.

*Our bodies process caffeine differently depending on various factors including age, gender, body mass and even race. Some people are also more sensitive to its effects and your reaction could be influenced by how much caffeine you’re used to drinking on a daily basis.

*Experts suggest healthy adults try not to consume more than four cups of brewed coffee a day, which is around 400 milligrams of caffeine. Children should not drink caffeine at all and adolescents should have a limited amount.

Did you know? Finland consumes the most coffee in the world – 12kg per person per year, according to the International Coffee Organisation.

Source: The Mayo Clinic