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Easy ways to boost brainpower

by Karen Rollins Nov 12, 2018

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Maintaining your brainpower is obviously important, especially as you get older.

Diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s are becoming more prevalent but this means there is even more information available on how you can keep your brain in the best possible condition.

Boosting your brain power doesn’t have to be hard, in fact there are various ways to improve its functionality which are simple and easy.

Physical and mental exercise

Give your brain a workout every day. The more you train your brain, the better you’ll be able to process and remember information.

The best brain exercises break your regular thought processes and challenge you to use and develop new brain pathways, these might include learning a new skill or trying to master a new language.

Physical exercise is also known to have a positive effect. It increases oxygen to the brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. If you can, exercise outdoors, as this will provide added stimulation.

A good diet

A healthy diet is essential to keep your brain working at its best. Make sure you are getting enough omega-3 fatty acids which are particularly beneficial for brain health. Fish is a rich source of omega-3, especially salmon, tuna, trout, and sardines.

Non-fish sources of omega-3 includes seaweed, walnuts, spinach, broccoli, and pumpkin seeds.

In moderation, a small amount of alcohol every week may actually help to improve memory and cognition.

A good night’s sleep

The average adult needs between eight and 10 hours sleep every night. If you don’t get enough rest, your memory, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills will be impaired.

Maintain a regular sleep regime and make sure you go to bed at the same time every night, even at the weekend, if possible. Avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol before bedtime and try to put away all electrical devices which trigger alertness and emit a blue light which is known to disturb sleep.

Sources: Medical News Today / Psychology Today