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Mangroves Protect the Coast from Hurricane Damage and World Wetlands Day is Here to Remind Us

by Stephanie Koathes Jan 28, 2019

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It’s time to think about the importance of our wetlands and how we can protect them.

Every year World Wetlands Day is observed on 2 February. We all know how important the seas and oceans are for life on Earth and that pollution is having a devastating impact on these environments. But how often do we think about the other wet areas of our planet?

Wetlands such as rivers, lagoons, estuaries, and mangroves are critical to life as we know it. These wetlands are a source of food, a genetic resource of medicines, hydropower, and they reduce the impact of floods and protect coastlines.

Mangroves, for example, protect our shores from the pounding waves and strong winds from hurricanes and their tangled roots help to stabilise coastal soil and prevent erosion.  They also act as a filter for pollutants and trap washing into the water from land.

Moreover, mangroves serve as a nursery for several species of fish, as well as shrimp, molluscs and other marine life.

World Wetlands Day, which was established back in 1971, is geared towards raising awareness about the significance of wetlands and the need to protect them.

For this World Wetlands Day, find out if any organisations in your region are hosting clean-ups or other activities. If not, read up on wetlands and how they benefit the planet and you!

You can find more information about World Wetlands Day on the official website.

Sources: Mangrove Alliance, World Wetlands Day