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Ten Lifestyle Apps You Can Use to Help Achieve Your Goals This Year

by Lou-Ann Jordan Jan 23, 2023

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Findyello article 10 lifestyle apps to help you achieve your goals shows image of a woman's fingers as she browses her phone.

We’ve all heard the mantra, “New Year, new me.”

Actually, it’s such a common phrase that some may overlook its sentiment. Yet, the fact is many of us are seeking to change different aspects of our lives. It’s why we create goals, and in most instances among them are lifestyle practices we want to adopt. The hope is that by doing so we create establish new habits, thereby creating new selves.

With January’s end is fast approaching and February offers a wonderful opportunity to begin if you haven’t already.  However, as you embark on your journey we imagine there’s a wide range of people may choose to refine;  becoming more organised, eating healthy, exercising regularly, practising mindfulness, or learning a new language, we know the list is endless.

Still, with the advent of apps, there’s nothing to stop us from getting started. Apps can guide us in how to get started, and even offer motivation to maintain momentum. With that in mind, we scoured the internet to find you 10 of the most useful lifestyle apps we could find.   

Check out our list, you may already have a few or find new ones to add to your list.

Here are 10 useful apps to add to your current list:

WeekCal (iOS/Android) – Free

If you’re looking to become more organised then this is an excellent app to help. You can keep track of your appointments and upcoming events with no hassle. It’s super easy to use.

MINT (iOS/Android) – Free

Budgeting isn’t easy for many and so it can reappear on their list of goals each year. The issues may vary, for some, it’s to stop overspending while for others it may simply be to keep track of purchases. The Mint app is handy as it aids with either. You can record purchases on the go, and get reminders for bills due and alerts when you go over budget. You can also track your credit card usage. It’s pretty nifty!

Findyello article 10 lifestyle apps to help you achieve your goals shows image of man looking at a budgeting app.

SEVEN (iOS/Android) – Free

Some of us have the discipline to work out routinely and others of us would like to get started but feel overwhelmed. We can’t fathom where we’ll find the time, even though we’ve regular exercise as a goal.  Well, what if all you had to do was carve out seven minutes? Yes, seven minutes. The app is excellent for those looking to lose weight and who are willing to commit to seven minutes each day. There are appropriate workout challenges and interactive 3D guides to help you along.

Think Dirty (iOS/Android) – Free

If your goal is to give more thought to your choice in skincare or cosmetic products then consider, Think Dirty. Use the app to scan product barcodes for ingredients such items as toothpaste, lotions or makeup. Learn their toxicity and get suggestions on safer alternatives.

My Tracker (iOS/Android) – Free

If you’re thinking of adding to your family but first want to be certain you’re healthy, then try MyTracker. It’s an easy-to-use app that tracks menstruation cycles. It also keeps women abreast of irregularities, symptoms and changing moods. They can log medicine use and export reports. Its “insights” feature also provides relevant health tips.

Headspace (iOS/Android) – Free trial

In recent years, mindfulness has become a hot topic, mainly because of its benefits for maintaining our health and well-being. You may have decided you need to practice mindfulness, become more disciplined, or get more rest. Headspace, which is subscription-based, is one of the most popular wellness apps on the market. It provides tools for reducing stress and managing your sleep cycle.

Findyello article 10 lifestyle apps to help you achieve your goals shows image of phone displaying the headspace app in a back pocket.

CamScanner (iOS/Android) – Free lite version

Okay, this year you want to feel more inspired and innovative, so you’re changing your work atmosphere. You’ve decided you’ll like to try working remotely. You can still email documents without a hassle. It’s simple, turn your device into a portable scanner. Launch the app and snap. It will crop and enhance. Now, send.

Duolingo (iOS/Android) – Free

The goal to speak a learn a new language is awesome, and you have help. The Duolingo app developers make education fun, free and accessible! It’s a new and innovative way of language learning. Instead of prompts for monotonous recitation, the app feels like a game.

MyFridgeFood (iOS/Android) – Free

So, you want to eat out less this year. Well, the MyFridgeFood app is perfect for those days when there’s food in the fridge but you’ve run out of meal ideas. The management app offers recipes based on the contents of your fridge. You simply input the ingredients you have and voilà meal options are proffered.

Google Translate (iOS/Android) – Free

Here’s a useful multilingual app if you have a goal to visit a country with a foreign language. Google Translate provides access to over 100 languages and translates text, photos, handwriting and speech. It’s quite handy if you’re conversing with someone or trying to read a sign.


Apps abound and there are many others out there that are suitable for assisting you in achieving your goals. However, these are an excellent start. Try them even as you browse to find others.  

Sources: BBCList25, and Forbes.