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Stretching is as Important as Exercising, So Here’s How You Can do it Properly and Safely

by Stephanie Koathes Feb 18, 2019

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How to stretch properly

Stretching is an important part of a healthy, active life. There are many benefits to regular stretching such as improving flexibility and posture, as well as boosting circulation.

However, stretching can do more harm than good if not done correctly.

Check out these tips to stretch safely.

• Make sure that you get your muscles nice and warm before stretching, stretching cold muscles can lead to injury. Walk or jog in place to warm your muscles before you start your stretches. The best time to stretch is after exercise.

• Don’t do static stretches before a workout. Static stretches involve holding a particular position for a while. Research suggests that static stretches could increase the risk of injury when exercising and hamper performance. Do static stretches after a workout to reduce stiffness and soreness the next day.

• When you stretch you should feel resistance and mild discomfort, but not pain. If you feel pain, stop. Once your muscle feels comfortable in a particular position, you can increase the stretch.

• Don’t stretch as soon as you wake up in the morning. During sleep, the spine swells with fluid and stretching right after waking up increases your risk of injury. Instead, wait at least an hour after waking.

• Hold intense static stretches for 15-30 seconds and breathe normally, don’t hold your breath, this will cause tension in your muscles.

• While stretching, ensure that your movements are smooth. Don’t bounce as you stretch as you can cause injury to your muscles and increase muscle tightness, which is the opposite of what you’re going for!

• Stretching isn’t the same as warming up. Do low-intensity dynamic movements that mimic the activity you’re going to do. For example, if you’re going for a jog, warm up by walking slowly and gradually increase your speed for about five minutes, don’t do static calf stretches.

Stretching can sometimes hurt more than your workout, but don’t skip it! Your body will thank you for taking the time to stretch.

Sources: BodyBuilding, Mayo Clinic, WebMD