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Defeating Creative Block: How to Get Back Your Mojo and Be More Productive

by Yello May 27, 2019

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We’ve all been there – that crippling moment when the creative juices just won’t flow. Artist block can happen to anyone, whether you’re a writer, painter, designer or an entrepreneur.

Here are six ways to get past that mental obstruction and feel more productive.

Take a walk

Exercise encourages blood flow to the brain, sharpening awareness. When you’re more alert, it’s easier to notice details and nuances that you can use creatively.

Next time you feel your motivation waning, try going for a walk. You can also build exercise into your daily routine to improve not only physical fitness but mental aptitude too.

Commit to a routine

Many literary greats credited their productivity to a daily routine. Both Stephen King and Haruki Murakami described their routines as a way to mesmerise themselves and make their brains ready to dream.

Routines help get you into a productive mindset. If you’re not sure where to start, try sitting down to work for 15 minutes every morning. Even if you just scribble or make notes, you’ll be building a habit that encourages increased productivity.

Clean up

Your ability to be creative can be influenced by your physical surroundings. If your workspace is messy, your mind might feel scattered too.

Take a moment to tidy up your office, bedroom, or studio. Just the act of organising might help; menial tasks like cleaning and showering tend to offer more time to think clearly.


Freewriting or drawing pushes you to create without all of the rules and self-criticism.

Set yourself a time limit and write or draw everything that comes into your mind. Try not to remove pen-from-paper too frequently, and avoid overthinking; the key is to put down your thoughts exactly as they come. It can be helpful to select a topic to focus on, or to sit somewhere with built-in inspiration like a park or beach.

Get outside of your comfort zone

Complacency can kill creativity. Inspiration might be hiding just beyond your comfort zone!

Stretch yourself by trying a new activity, talking to an interesting stranger, or experimenting with new artistic styles. By exploring, you might just stumble across something that sparks your interest and motivates you to work again.

Get some rest

It’s no secret: your brain works better when you’re well-rested. When creative deadlines are looming, it’s tempting to stay up all night searching for ideas.

Get a good night’s rest; you’ll be able to think more clearly and will be more likely to produce better results.

Creative block is never fun, but it can be beaten! Give these remedies a try the next time you find your inspiration lacking.

 Source: Goins Writer, 99u Adobe, Artsy, Livestrong, and Creative Bloq.