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Ole Time Caribbean Christmas Traditions: Giving the Gift of Fresh Produce

by Lou-Ann Jordan Dec 27, 2021

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The Christmas holidays are here, and chances are your pockets may not be overflowing, or as Les Brown has said, you may be “overcoming a cash flow problem.” We understand, it has been a challenging year, after all. For many, financial constraints translate into an unenjoyable Christmas. The holidays become gloomy because the heart to give is restricted by low funds.

But did you know, in the past exchanging presents as we know it, the latest device, stylish accessories or clothing, was not standard? In some households, and among friends, extended family or neighbours, presents were not exchanged yet that didn’t diminish the joy experienced.

In times gone by, gift-giving among friends and neighbours took a different form. Farmers eagerly cultivated fresh harvest and gave sweet potato, pumpkin, cassava, plantains and the like to neighbours with good cheer. Yes, much in the same way as we exchange presents today. The neighbour who had planted and lovingly cared for their produce would gift them to others during the holidays. They, in turn, were likely to receive a hand of green banana or a bag of pigeon peas or sorrel in return.

Back then, an absence of disposable funds didn’t’ detract too much from the enjoyment of the holidays. It may sound unorthodox to our ears, but the gift-giving of produce was a wonderful tradition that promoted unity and charity. Moreover, it was a very practical gift.

If you are currently reaping yams, sorrel, pigeon peas, green banana or seasoning peppers, you can give this tradition a try. We’re pretty sure your friends and neighbours would appreciate the kind thought.

However, if your interest has been sparked, but you need some time to prepare, why not give it a try next year? Here’s a list of Caribbean farm-fresh crops that can be harvested around or during the Christmas season.

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Green bananas
  • Plantain
  • Yams
  • Sorrel
  • Ginger
  • Bergamot oranges
  • Pigeon peas

Happy Holidays from Yello.