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Tired of High Food Prices? Eight Tips to Cut Your Grocery Bill This Month

by Lou-Ann Jordan Feb 7, 2022

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Findyello article with tips to cut your grocery bill with image of guy looking at milk bottle in amazement.

The pandemic’s tentacles have snaked into many areas of our lives. Its impact has been devastating and more significantly in some areas than others.

One area that we may overlook as we attempt to deal with other disturbances is our expenses, mainly grocery bills. There is no question that food prices have been on the rise. If you keep track, you may have noticed incremental increases since 2020. The incline can be understood, to some extent, as the global lockdown was a factor with food production slowing drastically. 

However, even as we give our best efforts to retransition to what we know of life, the progress is slow. COVID-19 variants and constant spikes continue to cause interruptions in most industries. Thus, job cuts or reduced working hours result, leaving many with less income.

The tension heightens with the soar in food prices. Some may forgo essentials, while those who can have no choice but to increase their monthly food budget. Still, we must find an alternative for mitigating the escalating expense. We have got to cut our food bill.

There are several ways to go about saving on groceries. Yet, driving down the cost of your groceries will require commitment and planning.

Are you tired of an ever-increasing grocery bill and are looking for ways to reduce it? Here are eight simple tips you can try. 


Unfortunately, coupons are not as common in the Caribbean as in North America. However, some regional supermarkets print coupons or list their specials in the newspapers or ads. Keep an eye out for them.   

Compare prices

It may seem tedious but comparing prices among supermarkets is effective. Create a list on your phone and note the costs of items at different groceries. Doing this will also help you keep track of any increase in prices.

Plan meals

Meal planning produces intentional shopping, or to put it more simply, less impulse buying. A clearly outlined weekly meal plan is a helpful guide for shopping. You will better remember which items you need to purchase, and you’re less likely to have wastage.

Findyello article with tips to cut your grocery bill with image of sale tag in the foreground.

Shop sale items

Often the supermarket will have items on sale. Peruse the aisles with your list, looking for products on sale. We do caution you to check the expiration dates before purchasing.

Shop generic labels

Who doesn’t enjoy brand shopping, and with good reason? Some brands are superior in quality, offering a better taste or consistency. Yet, the generic version is sometimes quite good, if not better. Many supermarkets offer a store brand or generic label at a reduced cost that’s quite good in quality. You will not know if you don’t give it a try. 

Keep a tally as you go

Get out your calculator and do a tally as you add to your cart. Keep your budget in mind and check as you go. It takes discipline, but decide not to exceed the money you’ve allocated for your shopping. You may have to forgo an item or compromise on the quantity or brand.

Buy in bulk

Bulk buying requires planning because it gives the appearance of inflating your budget. However, while you may put out a lot initially, subsequently, you will not need to spend as much money. Toiletries, cleaning supplies, canned foods, cooking oil, snacks are all items you’ll benefit from buying in bulk. 

Choose fresh produce carefully

Choose your fresh produce wisely. Buy those that tend to last long. For example, you may want to buy your plantains green, allowing them to ripen slowly as doing so will lengthen their shelf life. Cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and butternut squash can last for two weeks or even longer. Also, proper storage of your fresh produce can delay spoilage.

As we continue to navigate this pandemic and the difficulties that ensue, here is one challenge we can diminish: high food expenses. Our list and other practices can help you manage your budget and minimise your costs as food prices continue to spike. All that’s required is careful planning and resolve to execute.    

Sources: CNBC, Good Housekeeping, Southern Living and US News.