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Travel Tips: Surviving a Group Trip

by Stephanie Koathes Sep 9, 2019

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It’s an exciting thing planning a group trip with friends or family, but a vacation like this comes with unique challenges.

Don’t let your group trip become a nightmare. These tips will ensure that you all have a great time.

Figure out preferences

Is everyone on the same page when it comes to the type of accommodation? What about budget? What are everyone’s interests? Do you have foodies, museum fanatics, nature lovers, or a history buff in the group? Knowing what you all want to do and get out of the trip ahead of time will prevent arguments and headaches down the line.

The money

Discuss and agree on how the trip will be financed. Will someone pay for everything upfront? Will you be splitting it? Keep track of all the costs so that each person’s portion can be worked out. There are apps that can help you do the math.

Split up

It might seem counterintuitive, but sometimes splitting up the group is the best thing. We all have different interests and every member of the group should get what they want out of the trip. If two of you love museums but the others aren’t interested, go your separate ways. Those who want to visit the museum can and the group can meet back up for something you’ll all enjoy afterward.

Know your wish list

You don’t have to sacrifice the things you want to do because you’re in a group. Make your wish list and follow it. Be prepared to go off on your own if necessary.


Know how you’re going to keep in touch especially if you decide to separate.

Utilise strengths

Let members of the group do what they’re good at and enjoy doing. Who is the best at reading maps? Does someone speak a foreign language? Who is happy to ask questions? Recognise and thank each person for their efforts as the trip unfolds.

Sources: Smarter Travel, Momondo, We Travel