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10 Things to Do If You’re Spending Valentine’s Day Alone

by Carolyn Lee Feb 3, 2020

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Valentine’s Day largely focuses on treating our significant other to something special.  

Some couples choose gifts that are of a sentimental nature, while others may indulge in extravagant displays of affection. 

The idea is to ensure that your beloved feels good and enjoys the day. 

While this is great, there are a few who are alone on Valentine’s Day.  

If you are alone this Valentine’s Day, here are a few things that you can do to keep your spirits up! 

Treat yourself: There’s nothing that says “I love me” like treating yourself. Book a spa day, buy yourself that item that you’ve been eyeing for months or splurge on whatever it is that makes you feel good! 

Do the things you love: Fill the day with what you love and may not have done in a while! This could be going out of town for the day, binge watching your favourite movies, making an awesome meal or simply just relaxing. 

Forget about Valentine’s Day: Many people do not celebrate Valentine’s Day, so you won’t be alone. It is not a public holiday, which makes it easy to go about business as usual. 

Do something self-less: If you have a friend or relative that needs a break, offer to babysit, so they can have the evening off with their love. 

Have a singles party: Invite a few of your single friends over for games, movies or a meal. Find things to laugh about and enjoy each other’s company. Valentine’s Day is on a Friday this year, so why not party into the weekend?  

Find things to laugh about: Laughter really is the best medicine. Look for the things that make you laugh and enjoy them. This could be a comedy special or funny videos. 

Take a personal day: If you get anxiety from seeing all the Valentine’s gifts on display in every shop window, take a personal day. Sleep in late, order in if you don’t feel like cooking and do a bit of self-pampering. 

Go out: Say yes to that party invite. Go out and mingle with others, as other singles may be out too. Who knows, it could be fun! 

Avoid triggers: If you are dealing with fresh heartbreak, avoid the places, people and things that remind you of your ex.  

Get a makeover: A makeover can create a difference with how you feel. Get a fresh haircut or colour your hair. Change up your style for the day. Don’t waste your makeover by being alone, though. Go out and enjoy the night by doing something fun. 

We hope these tips will help to make the day easier. Have a great Valentine’s Day and remember the best gift to give or receive is love! 

Sources:Very Well MindAsk Men and Insider.