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Safer Food, Better Health – Are You Ready for World Food Safety Day 2022?

by Carolyn Lee Jun 6, 2022

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Safer Food, Better Health - Are You Ready for World Food Safety Day 2022?

Food is essential in helping us have the nutrients and energy we need to function. Food or liquid contains vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, fats, etc., that help support our physical and mental growth. Eating healthy is crucial to our survival.

Unsafe food can cause our health to deteriorate (impaired growth and development, infectious or non-communicable diseases, and mental illness). With growing concerns over a food crisis this year, we know just how significant food is.

World Food Safety Day is acknowledged on 7 June each year. Activities related to the day help remind us that we need access to safer food to ensure better health. This year’s theme focuses on spreading awareness of foodborne risks, mobilising action, and improving human health.

Why is food safety important?

Foodborne diseases range from mild to life-threatening. The WHO’s key facts on foodborne illnesses indicate that an estimated 600 million people (one in ten) get ill from eating contaminated food each year. Another point they shared is that approximately 420 000 people die from foodborne illnesses annually. We are responsible for incorporating good food safety practices that can help reduce foodborne illness and promote productivity.

How do we ensure food is safe?

Keeping clean, using safe water and raw materials, separating raw and cooked food, cooking food thoroughly, and keeping food at safe temperatures are six keys to safer food, according to PAHO (The Pan American Health Organisation).

  1. Keep clean by washing hands regularly before and while preparing food. Also, wash hands after using the toilet. Protect food from insects and animals, and keep surfaces and equipment used in cooking clean.
  2. We can use water or treat it so it’s safe; choose safe and wholesome foods. It helps to wash fruits and vegetables, especially if eaten raw.
  3. Use separate utensils and equipment like cutting boards and knives to handle poultry, seafood, meat, and other raw foods. Prepare and store raw foods in different containers.
  4. Thoroughly cook food, especially seafood, meat, eggs, and poultry. Ensure that cooked food is reheated correctly before consuming it.
  5. Keep cooked food hot (140°F or 60°C) and do not leave it at room temperature for over two hours. Also, promptly refrigerate cooked and perishable food (below 5 °C or 41°F).

What are some important calls to action for this World Food Safety Day?

World Food Safety Day aims to create actions that can drive positive change. Governments, business owners, consumers, agriculture, and food producers must act to ensure food safety.

  1. Governments must ensure safe and nutritious food for everyone.
  2. Agricultural and food producers are encouraged to adopt good practices.
  3. Business operators are responsible for ensuring that food is safe.
  4. As consumers, we must learn about safe and healthy food.
  5. We need to work together to increase our chances of having safer foods and good health.

Check out the WHO’s campaign to see how you can get involved this year. Let’s work together to increase access to food and ensure that food is safe for everyone.

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Sources: WHO, United Nations, FAO, OCHA, Scientific World Info, and PAHO.