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Common Eye Diseases and Conditions You Should Know More About

by Carolyn Lee May 1, 2023

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Six Key Eye Care Tips for Adults and Children

Taking care of our eyes is essential to reduce the risk of eye diseases and disorders that might cause impaired vision or blindness. We’re looking at five vision problems and what you should know about them.

Common eye conditions and diseases


Our eyes can become tired from intense use like long hours working on a computer or other digital devices, reading without taking breaks to rest the eyes, straining to see in dim light, or driving long distances. Some symptoms of eyestrain include headache, blurred vision, increased sensitivity to light, sore, burning, or itching eyes, and watery or dry eyes. Eyestrain can be uncomfortable but isn’t typically severe and will usually go away with rest.


Glaucoma is an eye disease that results from increased fluid pressure in the eye. The pressure damages the optic nerve, affecting how visual information transmits to the brain. If undetected and untreated, glaucoma can lead to blindness. Some symptoms include red eyes, headaches, eye pressure or pain, rainbow-coloured halos around light, blurred vision, nausea, and vomiting. Treatment may include laser therapy, surgery, or prescription eye drops.

Lazy Eye

Amblyopia, also known as lazy eye, is a childhood condition where vision doesn’t develop properly. A lazy eye typically affects one eye, with vision being weaker in the affected eye, causing it to move around unfocused while the other remains focused. Someone with a lazy eye might have symptoms including head tilting, shutting an eye, or squinting, eyes that wander outward or inward, and abnormal results from vision screening tests. Patching therapy, glasses, or contact lenses can help correct the problem. 


Conjunctivitis (pink eye) may result from an allergic reaction, or bacterial or viral infection, which leads to inflammation of the tissue that covers the cornea and lines the inside of the eyelid. It can be contagious, but it is rarely severe. Burning, itchy eyes, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, white or green eye discharge, swollen conjunctiva, and redness in the inner eyelid or white of the eye are typical symptoms. Since there are different types of conjunctivitis (viral, allergic, and bacterial), your doctor will recommend a course of treatment for you.

Corneal Diseases

Corneal disease refers to several conditions that affect the cornea, the transparent outer layer of the eye. The cornea helps control the incoming light and can often repair itself after injury or disease, but more severe conditions, like degenerative diseases, infections, or deterioration, need treatment. Typical symptoms of cornea diseases include watery eyes, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, eye redness, pain, or reduced vision.

Please consult with your doctor for advice related to eye concerns or vision problems. Your doctor can refer you to a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist if needed. Use our Yellow Pages to find doctors, specialists, and related services.

Sources: CDC, WebMD, NHS, Mayo Clinic, and Cleveland Clinic.