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Seven Great Inspirational Quotes That Could Change Your Life

by Carolyn Lee May 13, 2019

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7 inspirational quotes

What inspires you? 

There are many definitions of inspiration. Most speak to a process of being stimulated to create. To inspire involves encouragement, excitement and to some extent, creating something new. 

We take inspiration from many things – people, situations, books, music, art, movies, nature and more. When it comes to the people who inspire us, we draw on their words for encouragement and motivation.  

This has led to the creation of large quote banks online, diligently curated to allow for ease in finding the inspiration you need.  

If you have been feeling a bit stumped lately, the following inspirational quotes may be just what you need to ease you out of it. 


“In a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.” – Warren Buffet, Investor and CEO of Berkshire Hattaway 

Tip: Although it is good to try and fix things, sometimes a change may be the best solution. 


My father taught me that you can you read a hundred books on wisdom and write a hundred books on wisdom, but unless you apply what you learned then its only words on a page. Life is not lived with intentions, but action.”- Shannon Adler, Author. 

Tip: Don’t only talk about it, be about it. Back up what you say with actions that can help to create what you want. 


“The wise does at once what the fool does at last.”- Martin Luther King Jr., Baptist Minister, Civil Rights Activist. 

Tip: Procrastination is one way that we keep self-sabotaging ourselves. Be wise. Do what needs to get done now. 


“When the best things are not possible, the best things may be made of those that are.” – Richard Hooker, priest. 

Tip: Sometimes the things that we need are not readily available. However, if we look at what we have, we may find an equally worthwhile or even better solution. 

Inspirational quotes - Hello


It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.” – Jillian Michaels, personal trainer, author. 

Tip: Don’t get stuck on the notion of perfection. Focus on your efforts and do the work to get ahead.  


“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” – Jack London, author, journalist. 

Tip: In many instances, inspiration is like happiness – fleeting. Sometimes you must start working to get inspired. It also helps to look for the things that bring inspiration each day. 


Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou, poet, singer, civil rights activist 

Tip: Always do your best. It helps you to stay grounded, and you have no idea who you are inspiring. 

We’ve shared seven of our favourite inspirational quotes with you, but the list is not exclusive. We hope you have been inspired. If you need help in finding some of the things, people or places that could help you, Find Yello is a great place to start! 


 7 inspirational quotes

 Sources: Keep Inspiring.Me, The Nobel Prize, Bright Drops, Be Inspired, Just Us Anglican, Academy of American Poets and Forbes.