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How to Secure Your Home before a Hurricane

by Lisa Beauchamp Sep 23, 2019

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"hurricane awareness"

It’s easy to panic when there is a threat of a storm approaching. Instead, be prepared and approach each task calmly and sensibly. Your home is a major investment and your place of refuge, so here are some tips to make sure your house is protected in the event of a storm:

Windows and doors – installing storm shutters over all exposed windows and other glass surfaces is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your home. Cover all windows, sliding glass doors and skylights. Plywood shutters that you make yourself, if installed properly, can offer high level of protection from flying debris during a hurricane.

"boarding windows"

Garage doors – garage doors can pose a problem during hurricanes. They can wobble at high winds and can pull out of their tracks of collapse from wind pressure. Some garage doors can be strengthened with retrofit kits. Check with your local building suppliers.

Outdoor furniture and ornaments – bring in outdoor objects such as lawn furniture, toys, and garden tools; anchor objects that cannot be brought inside but could be wind tossed. Remove outdoor antennas, if possible.

Seal all possible areas where water can enter your home – cat flaps, tumble drier outlets, vents.

Sand bags can be useful in redirecting storm water and debris flows away from your home. But be sure that the sandbags are properly filled and maintained.

"sand bags"

Indoors – turn off and unplug all electrical appliances. Store drinking water in clean bathtubs, buckets, jugs, bottles and cooking utensils. Turn the refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings, if not instructed by officials to turn off utilities.