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Here are the Health Benefits of Four of Your Favourite Ground Provisions

by Lou-Ann Jordan Jun 1, 2020

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Dasheen (taro), sweet potatoes, yams, and cassava are popular staples in Caribbean dishes. 

Whether boiled, mashed or baked many of us grew up eating them either willingly or otherwise. 

Moreover, in many households, these starches are preferred to others.  There’s a long-held belief, that these root vegetables are healthier.

Using Caribbean ‘parlance’, blue food or ground provisions as they are commonly called are harvested from the base of plants.

Plants feed on the water and nutrients stored in the bulbs. As the plants’ nutrient storehouse, the bulbs, roots, and tubers provide numerous dietary benefits when consumed.

So, yes you were right.  Ground provisions are healthy foods, but in what way?  What specific nutrients does cassava offer?  Don’t worry that’s what this article will examine.

Let’s look at four of your favourite ground provisions and their health benefits.


Before we jump into the benefits of this particular root vegetable, we need to address its name.  Its scientific name is Colocasia esculenta, but that’s a bit of a tongue twister. 

Taro, as it’s called globally is another option, or you can maintain your use of ‘dasheen.’  Whatever name you choose, the health benefits remain the same.

Vitamin A, C, E, and B6, as well as folate, are a few of the nutrients in dasheen.  However, a high level of dietary fibre is one of its most essential benefits. Here are some reasons to add dasheen to your diet:

– Dietary fibre – normalises the body’s release of insulin and glucose.

– Vitamin A and E – boost overall skin health.

– Potassium – relieves stress as well as pressure on blood vessels and arteries.

Sweet Potato

Is there anyone who doesn’t enjoy this delicious vegetable?  Unlike some of the other blue foods we will list in the article, this one isn’t bland.  Its mildly sweet flavour contrasts scrumptiously with savoury sauces. 

We know it will require very little convincing to add this one to your dishes.  However, you should know that sweet potatoes offer a healthy dosage of fibre, iron, calcium, selenium, and vitamins B and C. 

Also, it’s rich in the antioxidant, beta-carotene. Interestingly, the beta-carotene found in the white, orange or purple-fleshed vegetable converts to vitamin A when consumed. 

It’s a food that keeps on giving!  Three of its nutritional gains and their values are:

– Vitamin A – supports eye health and vision.

– Antioxidants – promote healthy gut bacteria that help with the digestive system.

– Fibre – helps maintain a robust digestive system.


Yams are one of the hardiest of ground provisions.  These sturdy tubers grow anywhere and rarely die.  Yams are quite popular in many cultures, but they are most prominent in Africa as well as within the Caribbean region.

Though they tend to be a bit bland, yams contain fibre, vitamin C, potassium and manganese. Here are three ways yams are nourishing:

– Potassium – regulates blood pressure and glucose levels.

– Manganese – promotes bone health and enhances metabolism.

– Diosgenin – combats inflammation, reduces muscle spasms, and PMS cramps.


Widely eaten throughout the Caribbean, cassava supplies the body with various nutrients.  Cassava or yucca as it’s called in North America grows predominantly in tropical countries.  

And, the best part is this starchy tuber is gluten-free.  We thought you would appreciate that little titbit!

However, before you begin to amp up your consumption of cassava, you should know it shouldn’t be eaten raw.  Also, do eat in moderation. 

Another important fact to note is that among the list of ground provision we have examined cassava offers the least nutrients.  Despite this, an adequate intake of cassava will provide you with varying amounts of:

– Resistant starch – improves metabolic wellness.

– Iron – boosts haemoglobin.

– Niacin (vitamin B3) – reduces the risk of heart disease.

We hope we have been able to validate your belief in just how nutritious ground provisions are.  To take advantage of the wide selection of nutrients root vegetables afford its best to eat a variety of them. 

Now, you have even more reason to enjoy your boiled sweet potatoes, yam, dasheen, and cassava topped with salt fish.  

Sources: BBC Good FoodHealthlineThe Coconet.TV and Mercola