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Six Deal-Breakers in Female Friendships

by Carolyn Lee Feb 24, 2020

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Female relationships are empowering. 

In some relationships, female friends may become closer than family members.  

They provide moral support, give advice, encourage and inspire us to do better. 

Despite these benefits, there are hiccups in all friendships. 

We’re examining a few friendship deal-breakers that women shared with us. 


Dishonesty is at the top of the list for many women. Deceit can contribute to a breakdown of trust, which is crucial in relationships. (https://emdrprofessionaltraining.com)   

Lies can result in difficult situations that could tarnish a reputation, create career issues and other social problems.  


Feeling slighted, especially by a friend, could be viewed as disrespect. Ingratitude, deliberately being left out of important events and discussions are ways in which one can be slighted. While some slights may seem small, they could have an adverse impact on friendship. 

Another example of disrespect involves being yelled at or publicly embarrassed by a friend. 


We trust our friends with information that could make us vulnerable. There is an expectation that our friends are trustworthy and would not use the information to hurt us.  

Dishonesty creates distrust. Disrespect is also linked to the breakdown of trust. Persons who gossip, are untruthful or manipulative can quickly destroy confidence in relationships.  

Deal breakers in female relationships.


Some friendships dissolve because of stagnation. One friend may believe that their friendship is no longer viable based on changes in ideologies and aspirations. That friend may be focused on success and may see herself as progressive. 

The other may be contented with keeping things as they are and may not share the same outlook on success. 

This shift in ideologies indicates that they are on different journeys, where one could assume that the other is stagnant. 

The breakdown in the relationship is often caused by a lack of openness, honesty and support. 

Drama magnets 

A drama magnet is someone who thrives off negative situations and may create situations that encourage discord.  

These are people who draw unfavourable attention to others or themselves. These personalities are always in crisis.  

Someone who is always in a crisis may be untruthful and as such, it is challenging to sustain relationships. 


A common belief is that a disloyal friend will betray you. Acts of betrayal may include dishonesty and hurtful disclosures of confidential information. 

Disloyalty can completely erode trust.  It can also result in extreme distress for the person who has been betrayed. 

We know that several factors can create problems in female friendships.  

Share this article with your friends to see what other negative attributes they will disclose with you! Plus use this list as a guide and try to mend any rifts in your friendships today.  

Sources:Good therapyPsychology TodayChanging MindsScience Alert and Pub Med