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If You Are Thinking About Sending Your Child to Summer School… These Tips Can Help

by Carolyn Lee Jun 19, 2023

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If You Are Thinking About Sending Your Child to Summer School... These Tips Can Help

Summer schools provide fun and educational experiences for children. Some might wonder what the difference is between summer school and summer camp. A notable difference is that an individual or individuals may operate summer camps, while a school district or school typically sponsors summer school.

As we prepare for the summer, we know some parents are considering sending their children to summer school. So, we have compiled a few reminders for parents who have already tried summer school that are also tips those planning to send their children for the first time can consider.

What should you know before sending your child to summer school?

The goal you want your child to accomplish: Summer school has several benefits for children, but you should consider a school with classes that cater to and can enhance your child’s academic level, personality, and development. Does your child need help with specific subjects? Is their goal for attending summer classes to acquire additional credit? Does your child need to improve social skills or develop confidence? Examining their needs allows you to choose the most beneficial summer school for them to attend.

Expenses: Remember to include summer school when doing your budget. Some summer schools have extracurricular activities (field trips, excursions, etc.) not included in the tuition package. Include money in your budget for books, transportation, lunch, and art and craft material. School reopens right after the summer break, so budget for that.

The duration of the summer school programme: Your child can experience burnout if they cannot relax. Although your child must be academically focused, a break from constantly studying is essential. Look for summer schools that only take up part of the summer. Then, plan some family activities that allow you to spend time with them.

Benefits of summer school.

Summer school can equip children with essential life skills and prepare them for the upcoming academic term. These benefits go beyond keeping children occupied with activities throughout the summer.

Children can improve their social skills, make new friends, and increase their confidence and self-esteem. They also have opportunities to develop leadership and team-building skills. Other benefits include maintaining relationships, developing new interests and academic assistance with challenging or new subject areas.

At Yello, we want you to be able to access the products and services you need quickly. Please use Find Yello to search for summer school supplies, bookstores, and related businesses.

Sources: Parenting, Gateway Region YMCA, Summer School Review, Our Kids, and Parents.