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How to Beat Feeling Tired All the Time

by Karen Rollins Nov 20, 2023

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Some people seem to have boundless energy.

They get up at 4am and go to the gym or for a run, they work for 8-9 hours, then they go out in the evening to the cinema, for a meal or a drink with friends; they go to bed at midnight and are ready to do it all again after four hours of sleep.

If you are not one of these people, this article is for you.

Get moving

Going for a brisk walk or short run might sound counterproductive when you’re feeling tired, but experts suggest some form of regular exercise can boost energy levels.

Start off slowly and gradually build up to a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, three days a week.

Drink more water

Sometimes feeling lethargic can be linked to mild dehydration. Make sure you are consuming enough water and cut down on alcohol and caffeine as well.

Reduce stress

Stress can be the underlying reason for tiredness or fatigue. It takes up a lot of energy and saps your motivation.

Try to find ways to relieve stress during the day by making time for fun activities such as going out with friends, yoga, or quiet time reading, or listening to music.

Sleep well

It may sound obvious but a good night’s sleep is often the key to battling tiredness.

Establish a night time routine which should begin about an hour before you go to bed.

Switch off the TV, laptop, tablet or cell phone; take a shower or bath; try some breathing or meditation techniques. Aim to get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Try Omega-3

Omega-3 or fish oil has been scientifically proven to improve mental alertness and reaction times.

You can get Omega-3 from various foods including sardines, mackerel, chia seeds, walnuts, salmon or Brazil nuts. Omega-3 is also available as a supplement.

Eat smaller meals

Some people may find they have more energy if they eat small meals more often, rather than one or two heavy meals throughout the day.

Obviously, what you eat is also important so try to incorporate more wholegrains and other complex carbohydrates which take the body longer to digest and prevent spikes in blood sugar.

Keep your portion sizes small and space meals out to regular intervals.

You can try any or all of these methods to see if your energy levels improve. However, if you are concerned that your tiredness is linked to a medical condition you should consult your GP.

Sources: NHS England, WebMD, Healthline and Very Well Mind.