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How to Practice the Power of Positive Thinking

by Karen Rollins Oct 23, 2023

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How to practice the power of positive thinking

“You cannot live a positive life, with a negative mind” – Unknown.

Experts have found that being positive on a daily basis can enhance your well-being and even prolong your life as it helps alleviate stress, combat depression and boost self-esteem.

Controlling negative or destructive thoughts isn’t always easy, but there are ways you can teach yourself to approach life with a positive frame of mind and always see the glass half full.

If you’re determined and ready to tap into the power of positive thinking, then these words of advice should help.

Don’t worry, be happy!

Most of us worry far too much and sometimes we’re concerned about events, scenarios or conversations in the future that haven’t even happened yet.

We know that worry doesn’t change anything and yet we waste countless hours doing it, and cause ourselves a large amount of unnecessary stress – just stop!

If you’re worried about something that you can change, then it’s better to use all of your energy to take affirmative action, rather than procrastinating about the issue, which won’t get you anywhere.

Appreciate what you have

You’ll never be truly happy if you keep wishing that your life was different but don’t do anything about it.

If you keep hoping, expecting, and wanting a new job, or partner, or money situation to materialise or improve, but don’t appreciate what you already have, you’ll stay trapped in a cycle of unhappiness with an aching feeling that there is always something missing.

Life can change in the blink of an eye, so appreciate what you have while you still have it, and while you’re working towards making it better.

Live in the moment

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present,” – Bil Keane.

If you want to live your best life, you have to learn to absorb the here and now, without overthinking or overanalysing every situation.

Teach yourself to be in the moment and ‘mindful’, so that nothing good passes you by, and you can soak up all of the sights, smells, and emotions you are experiencing right now.

When you concentrate on the present, you have less time to feel sad about the past, or fret about the future.

Stay open-minded

Life can be hard, but if you concentrate on the ups rather than the downs, you’ll instantly feel positive about almost everything.

Many of the situations we have to deal with are out of our control, but we can control how we handle them. When you’re faced with difficulties, try not to give in to anger or fear, but instead think of a solution rather than the scale of the problem itself.

Remember – nobody’s life is perfect, but if you stay open minded you will learn from whatever you’re going through, and transform it into an opportunity to change, improve and grow.

Source: The Huffington Post